Family First Counseling Center
(614) 368-6311
Whether you’re addicted to illicit or prescription drugs, your treatment plan will be personalized to meet your unique challenges.
Drug Abuse Counseling
Alcohol Abuse Counseling
Outpatient treatment for substance abuse can be an ideal option if you have the motivation to get sober but can’t take leave from work, disrupt school attendance or step away from other responsibilities. 
Group therapy is a gathering of people, often dealing with similar issues, who meet together regularly under the leadership of trained therapists. While you might think group therapy is only for issues like alcoholism, in fact it is used to treat virtually all addiction issues that individual therapy treats.
Group Counseling
 If you are struggling with your partner drug or alcohol addiction and don’t feel connected to your partner, or if either of your trust has been broken, reach out to us today for couples therapy
Couples Counseling
Professional, licensed, and vetted counselors that you can trust
Making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.
(614) 368-6311
Family First Counseling Center